BSB0047 – Brand Spanking Bought – Podcast

#BSB is back with the latest tunes that I think that are the hottest. I hope to think that you all will agree with me.

#BSB on iTunes

#LOV features Same As It Ever Was by The Slacksons.

The hot of new tracks are from the likes of Miguel Migs with Lisa Shaw, KiNK, and GotSome to name a few.

We also Flashback to BSB0023 with four hot tracks including Sage Armstrong and DMP.

#PressPlay  Get your #Eargasm on…

BSB0044 – Brand Spanking Bought – Podcast

My #100LongBeachDays adventure continues!

Along the way here is the latest #BSB podcast. Again, because I’m on the road, I forego the LOV (Layers Of Vinyl) selection and I forward the Throwback Section toward the front of the show.

Get this BSB on iTunes

Still, there is about an hour and a half worth of hot undergound House Music tunes.

Let’s go dance!

BSB0043 — Brand Spanking Bought — Podcast

Oh my god, I had so much fun this past weekend! Anyway, here is the my latest BSB show.

Inside there are shout outs to some cool new peeps I just met over the weekend. And a shout out to an old friend that I haven’t had the chance to catch up with a few years.

Surrounding that wonder is music from Risk Assessment, Jemini G, and PEZNT, Colette and Ghettoblaster, DJ E-Clyps, Franky Rizardo, and more…

Finally, there is a contest for some free stuff. Details for the contest is toward the end of the show.

Hey… If I get you dancing–even in your seat–I call it winning! Enjoy!


Some time ago I wrote prose about this subject. Unfortunately, we all have a collection of implicit biases.

The question is how often to we allow our bias to be challenged?

From the other side of the proverbial coin, I often feel frustrated when I come up against bias. It’s everywhere.

The disbelief in another persons eyes, even when faced with something to the opposite; especially when faced with proof and fact the bias is not true, not as broad, or, my favorite, the truth is a lot more nuanced.

It cuts to the white meat, when I see this internal battle manifest itself in another’s face.

Personally, I have been trying to face my bias any time it rears its ugly little head. It’s a devil that appears on my shoulders at inappropriate times.

I’m sure it does for others too. After all, it is a human condition. Or should I say, it’s a disease.

However, I will continue this exercise hoping that like a weight lifter, the repetitive action of challenging my bias will strengthen my soul, and make me slower and slower to judge while broadening my knowledge if not compassion as well; as it seems to have been working through most of my life.

After all, I don’t fit your damn stereotype…

Stereotype will be an exclusive release to Traxsource on May 30 (pre-order is available now); released to all other digital stores on June 27.


BSB0042 – Brand Spanking Bought

It’s been just over a week since I have been back in the #LBC — Long Beach, CA — on my #100LongBeachDays of 2018. And there has been some set backs and some nice developments.

So how is that for a bad-news-good-news teaser, eh?

I’ll be going into some of the bad news soon enough. The good news is that I and one of my new friends out here from last year and I are launching a new project in the next few weeks. We are looking to have a launch party in late June.

But for now, dig into the latest BSB — Brand Spanking Bought Show.  It was recorded at Our Spot–my last Sunday in Baltimore before I started on this latest #100LongBeachDays 2018 adventure.

It has been awhile since Oscar and I had any face-to-face time–too long, to be honest–even though we have been in the same town of Baltimore for years. Yet here I was crossing the threshold into his store. (I should say their store–Belinda’s wonderful force is just as important in their story.)

There is much that is inspirational about Belinda and Oscar’s story in my humble opinion. But I will not spill those proverbial beans here. I suggest you go into there wonderful massage-barber-wellness shop and hear it yourself.

Tell them Stylo sent you–I’m sure they would love to tell their story. (And while you are there, partake in one of their beautiful soul replenishing services.)


BSB0039 — Brand Spanking Bought

Two Mondays ago, I dropped the BSB show for February. I went digging for one of my favorites for L.O.V. from the French label Pro-Zak Trax.

There are lots of other goodies inside as well. Check it out!

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